Kuqubuke ukukhathazeka ngokuthi ngabe azoba nemali eyenele amaposi uma sekumele kuholwe izibonelelo ngenyanga ezayo ...
INSIMBI yeminyaka edlule ye-Orlando Pirates, uSiyabonga Sangweni, ikhulekela ukuthi udumo lungangeni ekhanda likaMbekezeli “TLB” Mbokazi agcine ekhohlwa nayisalukazi esimkhulisile asishiye emakhaya.
Ngo-2022 ibandla lakhe kuwona wonke amagatsha limenzele umcimbi wokumvalelisa, ngoba kuthiwa usebuyela emakhaya lapho ezalwa khona. Umcimbi wokubongwa kwakhe wawuhanjelwe ngabaholi bemikhakha ...
Mase niphuzile buyelani emakhaya, but do not get behind the wheel. Let us drink responsibly and protect all our people especially women and children. Let’s not abuse women and children and pick fights ...
This compact cutie, available for just R1,500, is perfect for small loads, tiny spaces, and on-the-go living. Lightweight and easy to transport, it's a game-changer for students, city dwellers, and ...
Former 'The Queen'actress Brenda Ngxoli has explained to her fans why she in no longer attending her much-awaited MCing gig. Fnas praised her for being honest.