Furthermore, mechanical devices do not tire, and maintain consistent depth and rate of compressions. The main disadvantage of A-CPR is the substantial weight of the device (11.6 kg including battery).
Motion sensor technology – the same technology used on most smart phones – provides rescuers with immediate voice prompts if their CPR compression rate and depth are outside the 2015 AHA ...
which would perform life-saving CPR on those facing cardiac arrest. The “Lucas Device” is a mechanical chest compression system that helps first responders and healthcare providers perform CPR.
LUFKIN, Texas (KTRE) - Lufkin Fire Department recently purchased four new Stryker Lucas 3.1 devices with help of a grant. “It’s a chest compression system, pretty much a portable CPR machine ...
Lake Village Fire Department members attended Jan. 31 training on the LUCAS 3 chest compression device.
The department is adding mechanical CPR devices designed to assist first responders in maintaining the ideal compression depth and speed during resuscitation. The department’s EMS Division Chief ...
During the period October 2006 to April 2010 there were 66 OHCAs where A-CPR was administered, and these were matched to 220 controls (mean 3.3 controls per A-CPR case) selected from 1,610 cardiac ...