And he sat down opposite the treasury and watched the people putting money into the offering box. Many rich people put in large sums. And a poor widow came and put in two small copper coins, which ...
They certainly tie in with the end results of our individual appointments with the Judgment Seat of Christ (the Bema Seat judgment ... be rewarded with what the Bible calls crowns (Revelation ...
Because Matthew, and the Bible writ large, dish dirt about biblical heroes to make ... “Jesus might have been sinless, but those in his lineage were not,” Wehner observed pithily. The Bema podcast ...
All humanity is royally screwed up. As a result, your family is screwed up. Likely, you are screwed up, too, and your family ...
The Bible is an incredible source of strength and inspiration for our daily lives. Whether you are a skeptic or a firm believer, most people agree that the Bible contains amazing quotes to help you ...
Reading the Bible daily not only helps you grow in your faith and walk with Jesus Christ, but will be an amazing source of encouragement throughout your day. You can read the Bible in one year with ...
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