Multimatic's latest dampers actively control ride height and damping settings to optimize comfort and performance.
"Climate change is real." That stark and undeniable statement spearheads a new call to action in a paper published in a ...
Carnegie Mellon University's Professor Curtis Meyer and his research colleagues explore an uncharted world inside protons and ...
In the quantum realm, the past, present, and future blur into a boundless structure. But consciousness may operate on a plane ...
The Anderson transition is a phase transition that occurs in disordered systems, which entails a shift from a diffusive state ...
A study reveals that in the microscopic realm of atoms and subatomic particles the equations describing their behavior remain ...
The team announced its “ultrahigh energy” neutrino on Wednesday, in a paper published in the journal Nature. The finding ...
For over a century, the Maxwell’s Demon paradox has haunted physics. This thought experiment suggests that a tiny, ...
Researchers have discovered various topological structures in water waves (skyrmions, merons, Möbius and vortices with ...
Researchers have discovered unexpected 1D-like spin behavior in a triangular molecular lattice, challenging the conventional ...
Entanglement -- linking distant particles or groups of particles so that one cannot be described without the other -- is at the core of the quantum revolution changing the face of modern technology.