Cheers! Have you ever finished off your last pickle spear and, craving a little more of that vinegary punch, taken a couple ...
Claussen is tuning last year's social media pickle juice viral sensation into a new limited-time bottle Just the Brine, ...
Pickle lovers can now buy Claussen’s signature brine in ready-to-pour bottles for cocktails, cooking, and more.
The brand is testing whether consumers like the wide-mouth container for its sauce, and Guinness brings the flavor of its ...
B7, the youngest member of the North Coast's California condor flock, has died from lead poisoning after just three months in ...
Last October, a viral social media video mixing diet cola with pickle juice racked up more than 12 million views, sparking ...
Just The Brine is an 8-oz. bottle of pickle brine, which can add a tangy kick as a mixer at night and serving as a next-day ...
You know how the old saying goes: "Don't knock it until you try it." The Claussen company, famous for its pickles sold in grocery stores everywhere, is getting ready to release a line of pickle juice.
A young California condor from the L.A. Zoo had been flying freely for only three months when he died after ingesting a lead ...
During the viral sensation, Claussen told fans if they showed enough interest it would release a new product called Just the Brine, which is exactly what it sounds like. And that’s what the ...
As for the latter, Claussen’s got us covered: The pickle brand is releasing a new bottled product, “Just the Brine,” for a limited time. Claussen first hinted at the concept of an all-brine ...