Turn the game on and wait for the Sammy logo to fade completely in. Quickly press Up, Down, Up, Down, Select, Start on Controller 2. Start a new game or select any file. Press Select on Controller ...
Wrath of the Righteous brings the popular tabletop Pathfinder campaign to PC. If you dig classic-style RPGs, this upcoming title should find a way onto your game wish list. PCMag.com is a leading ...
Lacrimosa of Dana was the first Ys game that NIS America localized, and it faced so much criticism for its English script that the company retranslated the entire game. Adding to this, the PC port ...
Check out the announcement trailer for Ys Memoire: The Oath in Felghana, an upcoming remaster of the action RPG Ys: The Oath in Felghana. Ys Memoire: The Oath in Felghana will be available on ...
Past modder and current CTO of PC port developer PH3 Games Durante detailed taking an intensive scene from Ys X: Nordics ...
Today, Crunchyroll is launching the visual novel Destiny's Princess: A War Story; A Love Story on the App Store and Google Play as a Game Vault exclusive. This all-new mobile debut brings players a ...