The Tarawa-class LHAs and Wasp-class LHDs provide the Marine Corps with a means of ship-to-shore movement by helicopter in addition to movement by landing craft. Three LHAs -- which have extensive ...
Long-range missiles were also fired from aircraft and ships during RIMPAC. A US Navy F/A-18 also hit the ex-Tarawa with a Long-Range Anti-Ship Missile (LRSAM), “a precise, stealthy, and ...
The United States military has sent a warning to China by blowing up a decommissioned naval ship, the USS Tarawa, in the ...
Early this year a king tide lifted a shipwreck off the reef at Betio, Tarawa’s westernmost islet, and flung it ashore, piercing a seawall. There it has stayed. The ship has an ironic name ...