The connection between sugar and cancer, including whether you need to give up your favorite sweet bites to stave off cancer.
Many people have strong positive or negative feelings about sugar that can influence their cravings, according to Tsui. Sugar, after all, occupies an unusual niche in the food sphere—simultaneously ...
Although excessive sugar consumption is linked to inflammation and type 2 diabetes, its link to cancer remains complex. We ...
The belief that sugar causes hyperactivity took root in the 1970s. Back then, dietary concerns and behavior were on the rise.
Bendix Woods, LaGrange County and local farmers will put on tasty maple syrup fests and tours with lots of tasting and kids ...
Some companies claim that taking beneficial bacteria can reduce the desire for sugar. But the evidence comes from mice, not people.
Look at him over there jumping up and down.' They said, he just won, they counted to 10," said former middleweight champion Gene Fullmer about Sugar Ray Robinson on ESPN Classic's SportsCentury ...