This uplifting post from discover.animal shows some good Samaritans helping a lucky sloth make its way across traffic and ...
Every so often, a discovery comes along that changes our understanding of the distant past. In the vast landscapes of the ...
Sloths are identified by the number of long, prominent claws that they have on each front foot. There are both two-toed and three-toed sloths. All sloths are built for life in the treetops.
Different sloth groups can be easily identified by the number of long, curved claws on their forelimbs. The two-toed sloths, as the name suggests, have two claws on their front limbs, while the ...
A grizzly old time is being had at the Ohio zoo as staff tend to a newborn sloth bear and drum up help for what to name her.
Sloths are identified by the number of long, prominent claws that they have on each front foot. There are both two-toed and three-toed sloths. All sloths are built for life in the treetops.
Sloths are typically docile and are rarely a danger to people, but no one wants a piece of those claws. They may be slow, but sloths know how to defend themselves if they feel threatened.
It was a European zoologist, George Shaw, who named the sloth bear for its long, thick claws and unusual teeth. He thought that the bear was related to the tree sloth due to these features," the ...