The sea bathing was never better than it is now, and at the fashionable hour the beach presents an animated appearance. View Full Article in Timesmachine » Advertisement ...
First the haunting music, the telltale fin gliding through the sea, the children playing and then the final bloodbath, the ...
"Mine will break ice to go swim but hates the tub or the hose," one viewer said, and others shared similar experiences.
A Christmas Day sea swim warning has been issued to those hoping to have a festive dip. Brighton and Hove City Council's seafront officer Abby Rocky said cold water sea swimming should only be for ...
Some historians consider it to be Britain’s first-ever seaside resort, with Royal Museums Greenwich crediting it as the place where King George III popularised sea bathing in 1789. However ...
The minerals in seawater, and then sea salt, may boost the salt’s effectiveness for treating eczema symptoms. One 2005 study concluded that soaking in a bath with salt from the Dead Sea can ...
A deep-sea anglerfish was recently spotted swimming in broad daylight in the Canary Islands. The sighting is rare as the fish typically stays in the depths of the ocean below the sunlight zone.
Tourists and sea lovers on Friday demanded immediate measures to clean up the Puri beach and maintain hygiene after dead jellyfish were frequently spotted near the shore. The demands came after ...
A popular beach in the Vale of Glamorgan is still classed as one of the worst for bathing water quality in the whole of Wales. Ogmore-by-Sea beach and Watch House Bay were given 'poor' ratings for ...