And by 150 years old, it can have as many as 25 arms! Arms are significant to a saguaro as it is where the cactus stores its ...
The Saguaro Obsession Is Real ... As expected they’re mostly made up of water (between 75% – 90%!). There is also a sponge-like tissue throughout the inside to hold the water in place.
This 92,867-acre park is dedicated to the largest cactus in the U.S., the saguaro (pronounced sa-WAH-ro), a universal symbol of the American West. The park is divided into two districts ...
The saguaro cactus is a distinctive icon of the American Southwest ... and spread out as wide as the cactus is tall to maximize the plants’ ability to collect water during the winter and summer rains.
Saguaro National Park staff refer to it as the archenemy of the Sonoran Desert. Buffelgrass is an invasive weed that poses a double threat to saguaros and other native plants. First, it competes with ...