Florida center Olivier Rioux, the world’s tallest teenager, is one of the team's most popular players heading into the NCAA ...
An NCAA record is set to be broken one second into a game. It’s not often players can break a mark before they get their ...
Standing 7 feet, 9 inches tall, Rioux holds the Guinness World Record for tallest male teenager. University of Florida player Olivier Rioux is seen cutting the net after the team's SEC ...
Literally. Watch any Florida game, and you may notice an extremely tall player on the sidelines cheering his teammates. That player would be Canadian freshman Olivier Rioux, who is redshirting ...
He's an overall nice guy, which he credits a lot of to ... little bit rowdy and stuff like that, because I am tall and people like that," Rioux said. "And people like that I’m Canadian and ...
Rioux didn't need any help to get up and cut down his piece of the net after Florida won the SEC Tournament on Sunday.
According to his Florida profile, Rioux is the Guinness World Record holder for tallest teenager. He did not appear in a game during his freshman season, but he does draw looks for his height when ...
The cheerful guy known ... re so tall. Do you play basketball?’ No one says a word to me (now). Everyone just looks to him. It’s kind of crazy. He doesn’t shy away from it.” Rioux actually ...
A University of Florida basketball player whose height makes him a Guinness World Record holder needed just his height to cut ...