Check the World TB Day 2025 theme its history and why it matters Understand the risk factors of tuberculosis and how you can ...
World TB Day serves as a reminder of the urgent need to accelerate efforts to eliminate this disease and ensure equitable ...
It was the Nobel Prize-winning scientist Robert Koch who, as early as 1910, foresaw that 'One day man will have to fight noise as fiercely as cholera and pest'.
As 2005 marks the 100th anniversary of Robert Koch receiving the Nobel Prize for his work on tuberculosis, what could microbiologists today learn from him? The details of Koch's research career ...
As of early 2025, tuberculosis cases are increasing in the U.S. This disease, often shortened to TB, causes significant lung damage and, if not treated, is almost always lethal.
Enter: Louis Pasteur of France and Robert Koch of Germany. *Mais oui! It was the Frenchman who landed the first punch. Pasteur was the first to challenge old barmy beliefs, hypothesising that ...