The following is a satirical article from The Jerusalem Post's annual parodic Purim page, The Jerusalem Roast. Enjoy!
Birthright Israel launched a new trek to the Jewish homeland for dogs, which will launch this spring, sources told The Jerusalem Roast. The program was created after hundreds of dogs made their ...
It also involves Purim spiel dramatizations and Torah learning. Purim is a great day to reconnect with friends and family and give back to your community through gifts and charity as prescribed by ...
With all the serious analyses of President Trump's pro-Israel attitude in this section, perhaps it is time for a little old-fashioned fun. A former Hollywood screenwriter has done this for us.
The Tikkunei Zohar makes the astounding statement, “Kippurim kaPurim – The Day of Atonement is like Purim. The Arizal elaborates: Yom Kippurim, the holiest day of the year is k’Purim, ...