In a recent Instagram post, Vin Diesel shared a few unofficial updates on his various projects, including one from Marvel Studios.
Cartola - Agência de Conteúdo Uma das civilizações mais antigas que se tem notícia, os sumérios foram responsáveis por lançarem as bases de diversas áreas de conhecimento da sociedade ...
The man is Elon Musk — whom I call the Man From Planet X after an old ‘B’ sci-fi favorite plus his corporate brand. He’s a man despised by the international Left, the entire Democratic ...
Known as Planet Nine or Planet X, it is a hypothetical planet that has long been rumoured to exist in the outer solar system. Although "several claims to have found an extra planet have been made ...
One of those things is reportedly Planet X, a Groot movie where he returns to his home planet. As we all know well, MCU actors are supposed to stay very, very quiet about anything involving their ...