At least one upper-case alphabetic character. At least one lower-case alphabetic character. At least one numeric digit (e.g. 1, 2, 3…) At least one punctuation or symbol character (e.g. ^, $, #) Do ...
When you create a password or passphrase, you should make it strong, which means it’s difficult to guess or crack. It’s a good idea to use strong passwords on all user accounts on your computer.
How do I change my passphrase? Use the following link to change, update, or recover your passphrase (a.k.a. password). Use this link for all passphrase changes, even if your passphrase has expired or ...
If you need to contact CU about your student record, we'll ask you to verify your identity by either showing us your photo ID or by stating your established security passphrase. If you haven't set a ...