Punjab Council of the Arts arranged a Pashto Culture show to promote local culture of the region in Rawalpimdi. The singers of Pashto language Shano Khan, Lal Sher, Arab Gul, Azhar Awan Azhar, and ...
Ted Watter doesn’t look like a Pakistani folk musician. Brian Tilley doesn’t look like much of a Pakistani folk singer, either. Yet they are the Pashtones, a band that takes popular Pashto folk songs ...
He urged literary organizations to actively contribute to language preservation, emphasizing that a language links people to their culture ... the inclusion of Pashto in school curricula and ...
Amir Hamza Shinwari contributed to every genre of Pashto literature, leaving behind a rich legacy in mysticism, poetry, psychology, and culture through numerous prose and poetic works. His work ...