In the first photo, she posed barefoot in front of Paolo Veronese's "The Wedding at Cana," and in another, she leaned in close as she got a priceless private view of the Mona Lisa. Kendall Jenner ...
The Musei Archeologici Nazionali di Venezia e della Laguna will unveil A Cabinet of Wonders: A Celebration of Art in Nature, an unprecedented exhibition showcasing the George Loudon Collection (United ...
The Louvre currently displays Leonardo Da Vinci’s masterpiece in a gallery with several other paintings, like “The Wedding Feast at Cana” by Paolo Veronese. For years, both tourists and art ...
A new dedicated space for "Mona Lisa", which currently hangs opposite Paolo Veronese’s overlooked "Wedding at Cana", makes sense - for both da Vinci’s painting and its attention-starved ...
It is accompanied by works by 16th-century Venetian masters, and across the room hangs the Louvre's biggest painting, The Wedding at Cana by Paolo Veronese. (AFP) ...