plastic polymer pipes is for plumbing, but they can also be employed for rainwater collection and distribution, fire sprinkler systems, cable installation, various other PVC DIY projects ...
PVC pipe is a valuable material to the backyard hacker. It’s cheap, readily available, and comes in a range of different sizes. However, what do you do if you need to bend it? The typical ...
There are all sorts of brilliant ways to reuse old PVC pipes in your backyard and around ... or a better way to manage your tie-downs and cables, PVC can resolve numerous problems to help you ...
Using nothing more than PVC pipe, an Ethernet cable, and a very basic electrical system, [Peter] has built a real MVP of a submarine. No, not Most Valuable Player; Minimum Viable Product.
The company has recently downplayed accusations of having engaged in anticompetitive misconduct related to its PVC water pipe and PVC conduit pricing since approximately 2021, related to pricing of ...