The Applied Biosystems QuantStudio Absolute Q Digital PCR System is a plate-based digital PCR (dPCR) platform powered by proprietary microfluidic array plate (MAP) technology. This allows all the ...
How it Works: Real Time PCR Brendan Maher The instrumentation is basic ... Some makes and models use a scanning head that moves over the plate, exciting and reading fluorescence in the wells ...
Pipet the emulsion into the wells of a PCR plate as 10 aliquots of 50 μl. Pipet 50 μl of the aqueous phase (Step 3) into a well as a nonemulsified control. Overlay the emulsified and ...
Add, in order, one steel bead, 600 μl oil-emulsifier mix (Step 9) and 150 μl PCR mix to one well of a 96-well storage plate. Seal plate with adhesive film. Turn the plate upside down to make ...