How it Works: Real Time PCR Brendan Maher The instrumentation is basic ... Some makes and models use a scanning head that moves over the plate, exciting and reading fluorescence in the wells ...
Pipet the emulsion into the wells of a PCR plate as 10 aliquots of 50 μl. Pipet 50 μl of the aqueous phase (Step 3) into a well as a nonemulsified control. Overlay the emulsified and ...
Add, in order, one steel bead, 600 μl oil-emulsifier mix (Step 9) and 150 μl PCR mix to one well of a 96-well storage plate. Seal plate with adhesive film. Turn the plate upside down to make ...
Learn how WELLJET automates deep well plate processing, increasing efficiency, precision, and throughput for high-throughput laboratory workflows.