The spirit, a distillation of apple cider, cleanses ... “and having bought a farm in Normandy with a large number of apple trees, he decided to make Calvados as just a hobby.
A Nod to Normandy's Culinary Heritage Normandy, known for its apple orchards, dairy products, and cider, lends its rich flavors to this dish. Chicken Normandy is more than just a casserole ...
You might ask why on earth would you make a stop to see a tapestry when Camembert cheese, hard cider and the rolling Normandy hills are beckoning? Well, because the Bayeux Tapestry, an ...
Le Volet qui Penche in Bayeux is a popular wine bar known for its charcuterie and local cider. Considering Normandy boasts hundreds of miles of coastline, seafood is another favorite, with ...