In just one teaspoon of soil, there can be more microbes than there are people on the planet. That’s before you even count the miles of fungal hyphae also living there. The microbes, fungi and ...
The lack of sufficient organic material is no laughing matter when it comes to your soil’s tilth and fertility. The organic faction in your soil is the next all-important issue after soil texture and ...
One thing is for sure: there are plenty of tasks to complete in a garden before the spring planting season. Tasks you should ...
More information: Xin Sui et al, Contrasting seasonal effects of legume and grass cover crops as living mulch on the soil microbial community and nutrient metabolic limitations, Agriculture ...
Vogel and colleagues invite the microbiology community to participate in an ambitious and extraordinary sequencing project to uncover the soil metagenome. The microorganisms in the 'living soil ...
They hold three times more carbon than living biomass above ground, and twice the amount in the atmosphere. We have to rediscover the vital importance of soil in our lives and in the planet's future – ...
Plant Medic columnist Ricky Kemery advises gardeners not to be to be impatient with garden tasks despite approach of spring.