Elvis Presley was a Pomeranian pet parent, and Paris Hilton is also a fan of the tiny dogs. Both Sharon Osborne and her ...
Amy Henderson of Columbus photographed this cute little raccoon that was taking in the sun on a recent March morning.
A story about a little raccoon who needs to prove to his mother he's brave enough to go to the pond to gather herbs at night, on his birthday.
The smart thing to do is get your pets vaccinated against rabies. But are you legally required to do it in Indiana? Here's ...
A Lenexa man is trying to legalize pet raccoons in Kansas. Stephen Kaspar is one step closer after testifying before the ...
One suburban Kansas resident is pressing state lawmakers to legalize raccoons as pets. He says they're smarter and friendlier than people give them credit for.
Kaspar, of Lenexa, has been fascinated with raccoons since he made a papier-mâché version as a little boy. He carried it with him through the years until it was lost during his adulthood.