Collins has said that Fisherman’s Trail is critical because it is only shoreline access within the 2-mile stretch between Sands of Kahana and Napili Place. Because the county has been “unable ...
The plaintiffs claimed that Napili Point II, Hale Mahina Beach Resort ... access within the 2-mile stretch between Sands of Kahana and Napili Place. During the approval of its special management ...
The Maui News / MATTHEW THAYER photo Kahana coach George Vierra talks to his girls 12B crew after their race. -- The Maui News / MATTHEW THAYER photo Hawaiian 149, Kihei, 107, Wailea 64 ...
Napili Canoe Club’s boys 13 crew paddles to a win at the Dougie Tihada Memorial Regatta on Saturday at Hanakao‘o (Canoe) Beach. -- The Maui News / DAKOTA GROSSMAN photo LAHAINA — While ...
Surf washes up against a sandbag revetment Thursday at the Hololani resort in Kahana. The property owners’ plan to build a 400-foot-long seawall to protect the resort from rising sea levels has ...
Sand bags armor the shoreline in Kahana during an afternoon high tide in October. The Kahana Bay Steering Committee, which represents nine condo properties and one single-family kuleana parcel ...
Wailea's freshman men’s crew finishes the final turn as Napili enters it Saturday at Kahului Harbor. Wailea won the 1-mile race in 8:34.32. The Wailea crew inclued Kevin Dudoit, Stephen Cutillo ...