Metamorphosis of an Author” at the National Library of Israel, Jerusalem.
It took some 60 years for the National Library of Israel to exhibit its collection of Franz Kafka’s letters, books, drawings ...
A compilation of classic sketches from Scotland's most dysfunctional comedy team. From the musical walnuts to the Orange Walk meditation album it's a mixture of toilet humour and satirical insanity.
Even today, 100 years after his death, Franz Kafka's impact remains undiminished. Goethe-Instituts in 36 countries are celebrating the Kafka anniversary with a wide range of events – from theatre and ...
Franz Kafka was born on July 3, 1883 in Prague, then part of Austria-Hungary, where he spent most of his life. From 1889 to 1893, he attended the "German Boys' School" there, followed by the so-called ...