A 1978 hand-built Chevrolet C30 pickup truck arrived in Jay Leno's Garage. It is a custom truck that tows a show truck to car ...
The late-night legend hosts a popular YouTube channel, Jay Leno's Garage, as a sort of retirement career. Aside from his affable and experienced interviewing style, one may not suspect he reigned ...
Armored vehicles have come a long way since President Roosevelt rode in Al Capone's old car at the beginning of World War II.
The value of Jay Leno’s ridiculously massive car and motorcycle collection just increased by at least $2 million.
He also recently showed off one of his newest additions to his car collection when he debuted a not-yet-released McLaren W1 Hypercar during his Jay Leno's Garage show, per Men's Journal.
California State Sen. Shannon Grove and Jay Leno introduce a bill to expand smog check exemptions for classic vehicles.
The proposed legislation, known as "Leno's Law," would ease smog check requirements for all cars at least 35 years old and ...