Find out what percentage of adults have joined or left Islam, or remained Muslim since childhood, in 13 countries. Pew ...
Three times a week, hundreds have gathered around sundown at the Islamic Center of Western Pennsylvania in Marshall to ...
Islamic Heritage sites are distributed all over the world, even in the most unexpected places. Traveling and visiting the ...
Prostration, known as Sujood in Islam, is one of the most profound expressions of humility and devotion to God. It is more ...
The Canton mosque will use the three-story structure as classroom space for about 30 to 40 students for an accredited Islamic ...
"There's so much division in our world ... the only way that we can begin to heal those divides and build bridges is by ...
1. Monotheistic religion: Christianity and Islam both believe in the reality of only one supreme God. There is only one god who is the creator and the sustainer of the universe. Believe that God ...