Scientists explored the seafloor after an iceberg broke off the Antarctic ice sheet. They were shocked by what they found.
Unseen mountains, valleys, lakes, and rivers lie under Antarctica’s mile-thick ice sheet. Changes to those hidden rivers ...
Underneath Antarctica’s endless sheets of ice lies a hidden world of deep valleys, towering peaks, and sprawling plains. For ...
These NASA scientists stumbled upon a “city under the ice” in Greenland, decades after it was abandoned during the Cold War.
Bedmap3 is the most fine-grain map to date of the landscape beneath Antarctica's ice. Scientists created it using more than ...
A new map released this week gives us a clear view of the continent as if its massive sheet of ice has been removed.
Last week, the BAS released Bedmap3, "the most detailed map yet" of Antarctica's landscape beneath its blanket of ice, a ...
Antarctica’s total ice volume is now estimated at 27.17 million cubic kilometers (6.52 million cubic miles). The ice sheet ...
In 2019, climate scientist Steffen Olsen took a startling photo of huskies appearing to walk on water. The photo went viral ...
Stanford researchers have integrated machine learning with high-resolution satellite and aerial observations to analyze the ...
As the planet warms, Antarctica's ice sheet is melting and contributing to sea-level rise around the globe. Antarctica holds ...
Natural cycles in Earth's rotational axis and its orbit around the sun drive climatic changes, and now researchers have ...