"काम एष क्रोध एष रजोगुणसमुद्भवः। महाशनो महापाप्मा विद्ध्येनमिह वैरिणम्॥" "It is desire, it is anger, born of the mode of ...
Six men are now in custody and being charged with first-degree human trafficking after a sting operation in Hartselle last week where they allegedly targeted and solicited decoys posing as juveniles — ...
Albert Wesker: God-like abilities and manipulation tactics make him more menacing than the average human. When speaking of the scariest aspects of a Resident Evil game, most people's minds will ...
Abortion remains a grave moral crisis, claiming thousands of innocent lives daily. Retired Bishop Michael Pfeifer of San ...
Created with Sketch. Humans are ethical and moral regardless of religion and God. People are not fundamentally good nor are they fundamentally evil. However, a Pew study found that atheists are ...
"He [Türk] personifies the use and abuse of ‘human rights’ as a front to perpetrate evil. He has blood on his hands," Bayefsky told Fox News Digital. "Volker Türk - the UN's top human rights ...
In life, it is rare to find anyone as purely righteous as Mordechai or as purely wicked as Haman — though there are ...