There is a hoop skirt manufactory in this city which weekly turns out 24,000 ladies' skirts, employing for that purpose 500 hands, 180 sewing machines, and not less than a tun of steel.
complete with basketball netting for a skirt, for the Tigers' game against Auburn on Sunday, Jan. 5 Kim Mulkey is giving new meaning to the term hoop skirt! The LSU women’s basketball coach ...
When administrators at the University of Georgia declared a ban on hoop skirts in the spring, I could only think, what took you so long? But in that sense UGA was really no different from other ...
Grande’s Dior Couture dress looked like a deconstructed version of a fairytale ballerina’s dress, thanks to its taupe fishnet fabric and a visible hoop skirt. The “We Can’t Be Friends ...