Second-degree heart blocks partially disrupt the electrical signals. Healthcare providers categorize second-degree heart block subtypes—Mobitz type 1 and type 2—based on their physical signs ...
High-grade AV block, also known as advanced heart block, is a form of third-degree heart block. This occurs when AV dissociation is present; however, intermittently some sinus node action ...
This ECG shows P waves that are not always associated with a QRS complex. This is called "AV dissociation" and occurs in complete heart block (a.k.a. 3rd degree heart block). In this situation ...
Research by Boston Children's validates an innovative approach to mapping the heart's invisible conduction tissue during surgery. Research data from separate studies show that using ...
An international team of scientists from Manchester, Montpellier and Copenhagen have identified why some endurance athletes experience a heart rhythm disturbance called ‘heart block’. The University ...
The next in our series of EP case studies features an otherwise asymptomatic patient presenting with exercise-induced dizziness. Section: To skip to a specific section, click on the number ...
An international team of scientists from Manchester, Montpellier and Copenhagen have identified why some endurance athletes experience a heart rhythm disturbance called “heart block”.