Protein crystallization at the SER-CAT beamline at Argonne’s Advanced Photon Source proved key to the discovery of a new HIV vaccine candidate.
The resulting complex of viral cDNA and virion proteins, now referred to as the pre-integration complex (PIC), is transported to the nucleus (Fig. 1). Figure 1: Models of flap-dependent HIV ...
Figure 1: The HIV-1 glycoprotein gp120 minimizes the exposure of protein surface to antibody recognition on the envelope spike on the surface of the virion. Why have some viruses apparently ...
HIV-1 Vif induces a unique and prolonged pseudo-metaphase arrest by disrupting phosphatase feedback regulation at the kinetochore.
Dr. Ochsenbauer-Jambor investigates the role of DC-SIGN in the capture and trans-infection of HIV-1 with special emphasis on virion internalization pathways and the acquisition of selective ...