Vegeta is famously weaker than Goku, but there are several instances in DBZ and Dragon Ball Super where the Saiyan Prince has ...
A s a kid watching an early English dub of Dragon Ball Z, I was deeply moved by a moment between Krillin and Goku. After ...
Goku has employed some ingenious strategies throughout Dragon Ball's history. These were some of the most clever.
After a brief setback during his fight with Gomah, Goku returns more powerful than ever. Kamehameha is still his most iconic attack, but he takes it up a notch in the finale. In a visually ...
Using this form, Goku battles Gomah in the finale and holds his own. In fact, using his iconic Kamehameha, he blasts a hole through his opponent and the entirety of the Demon Realm, opening the ...
The transformation unpacks some serious power, as displayed in Goku’s powerful Kamehameha. In Dragon Ball Z, Goku held Raditz in place while Piccolo used a Full-Nelson Special Beam Cannon to ...
Super Saiyan Blue Gogeta's Full Force Kamehameha nearly annihilated Broly, making it the strongest version of the move in Dragon Ball. Gogeta's unparalleled strength combines Goku's power with ...
Goku unleashed his Super Saiyan 4 form to the maximum and prepared his Kamehameha. While Gomah tried countering this with an attack of his own, the Kamehameha surpassed Gomah's attack and went ...