Fire and explosion hazards in industrial settings pose significant risks to both workers and operations. The nature of ...
New Yorkers from all walks of life had come to pay tribute to the unidentified victims of the Triangle fire: the deadliest workplace accident in the city's history. A few weeks earlier ...
March 25th marks the 100th anniversary of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire in downtown Manhattan. The fire started in a scrap bin on the 8th floor of the factory building, claiming the lives ...
Form a wall of fire between active Flame Fields on the ground to burn enemies. If you form a triangle of Flame Fields and activate Pyro-Prison, enemies inside the triangle take continuous damage.
All bodies recovered from Triangle Shirtwaist Co. fire NEW YORK, March 26, 1911 (UP) - One hundred and forty one bodies had been taken to the morgue at 12:45 this morning and there had been seven ...