Michelle Saaiman’s two-year-old Juwan lost his sight when a herpes cold sore started growing in his eye seven months ago.
A TikTok video has become a cautionary tale – one of many that often go viral in hopes of warning people about a dangerous trend.
Epiphora describes excessive eye watering. Allergies, infection, or a clogged tear duct often cause it. Learn about causes, ...
In issue #66 of Invincible, Nolan revealed to Allen the Alien that what reduced the Empire to only 50 Viltrumites was a ...
Herpes simplex virus-1 (HSV-1) is commonly known for causing blisters and sores. But in some cases, the virus can migrate to ...
Viral or bacterial conjunctivitis (pink eye) can spread from dogs to humans, though it is not common. Allergic conjunctivitis cannot spread from dogs to people or from one person to another person.
Juwan’s eye had to be stitched closed due to complications from the infection (Picture: Michelle Saaiman) A mother ‘thought it was April Fool’s Day’ when a doctor said her baby had ...