The embargo on U.S. trade with Cuba was enacted in 1962 by President John. F. Kennedy, and since, in various iterations, it has remained in place. Ending the embargo would open up opportunities ...
Ever since 1960, the U.S. has been putting an economic squeeze on Communist Cuba with what amounts to an unofficial trade embargo. Free world nations are urged not to do business with Castro ...
The U.S.-Cuba Trade Act would end the trade embargo on Cuba and free Americans to travel to the Caribbean island for tourism. Photo Credit: YU_M/Shutterstock Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) has introduced ...
Washington D. C. - El senador demócrata Ron Wyden (Oregon) presentó legislación que persigue cancelar el embargo económico estadounidense en contra de Cuba, con el propósito de restablecer ...
En su primer mandato, el expresidente y presidente electo endureció el embargo a Cuba, reinstaurando restricciones comerciales y de viaje, limitando las remesas y activando aquel sistema de ...
The General Assembly voted 191-2 to condemn the commercial, economic and financial embargo against Cuba, the highest number of votes ever for the measure. Only Israel joined the United States in ...
Caricom has consistently advocated for the removal of the embargo of the United States of America against Cuba and urged the dismantling of outdated and discriminatory measures that have ...