Software engineer Dmitri Mitropoulos has taken porting Doom to non-computing platforms to a whole new level. The programmer managed to get Doom running inside TypeScript's type ...
As [John] AKA [Nyan Satan] demonstrates in a recent video, this includes running the original Doom on an Apple Lightning ... supporting the RAM disk that the firmware is loaded into.
You won’t have much luck getting a full-version of Half-Life running on a space-constrained platform—the game took up over 250 MB of disk space, compared to Quake, at under 80 MB, and Doom ...
Yeah, I said it, disc-drive. If you're wondering how well ... While they aren't remakes like the last four Resident Evil games, Doom I and II are incredibly well done and very playable, although ...
Developer Dmitri Mitropoulos has managed to get Doom running inside of Typescript Types, after a year-long effort, resulting in three and a half trillion lines of types.