And others naturally have extra teeth, known as hyperdontia. Our different types of teeth help us cut, tear, mash, and grind our food, making it easier to swallow. Here’s what you need to know ...
Meat eating animals have teeth like this, for slicing and ripping. You should try giving him a steak. Carnivores and herbivores have different types of teeth, to suit the type of food they eat.
It's all thanks to a special type of cell in their gums, called stem cells. Stem cells are handy because they can morph into different cells when needed. Like tooth stem cells to build new teeth.
And because they’re eating different foods, they need different types of teeth.’ Serrated teeth have a jagged edge - a bit like the blade of a bread knife. Sharks don’t chew, so this combination of ...
Meat eating animals have teeth like this, for slicing and ripping. You should try giving him a steak. Carnivores and herbivores have different types of teeth, to suit the type of food they eat.