U.S. President Donald Trump's administration has asked oil and biofuels producers to hash out a deal on the next phase of the ...
The data suggests that U.S. farmers and ethanol producers are benefitting from Canada’s clean fuel policies. It’s not that ...
There were no changes in the U.S. corn and soybean balance sheets for the second straight month, despite expectations for higher corn exports and lower domestic soybean use.
DENVER — Farmers must advocate for themselves. That is a matter of fact. Young or old, new or veteran, all farmers need to be ...
Convenience-store chain partners with South Dakota Corn Utilization Council to boost renewable resource across the state ...
The CmdtyView national average Cash Corn price was back up 3 1/2 cents at $4.25 1/2. EIA released their weekly petroleum status report this morning, with ethanol production rising 43,000 ...