Though none of the allegations made against Chris Schaefer were found to be sustained, the head of the Department of Public ...
The CBI hired Flynn Investigations Group to look into several allegations against Schaefer in late November, after an internal affairs investigation found that CBI Agent Douglas Pearson ...
CBI said he was wearing blue jeans, a gray T-shirt, and large gray headphones. Orozco is described as a 5-foot 6-inch Hispanic man. According to CBI, Orozco has developmental disabilities ...
The court had ordered a CBI probe into the charges of grave irregularities against the nursing college, following which CBI submitted its reports on 308 nursing colleges before the court.
About 1,003 cases were identified as being affected by the data manipulation from Yvonne “Missy” Woods, a former CBI scientist of nearly 30 years, CBI announced in December after the ...