SEOUL--A South Korean deejay dressed as a Buddhist monk bounced up and down on stage while playing electronic music and shouting: “This too shall pass!” The performance brought cheers from a ...
Jeon Hyun-soo, a psychiatrist and practitioner who has studied Buddhism for more than 40 years, believes that focusing on the ...
Jogye Order-run program to gradually increase foreign national participation Foreign nationals will be able to take part in ...
Han Dong-hoon (R), former chief of the ruling People Power Party, talks with Ven. Jinwoo, chief of the Jogye Order, South ...
Buddhism and the Goryeo Period Both politically and culturally, Buddhism played a significant role in the Goryeo Period in Korea. During the Silla Period (668-935) preceding Goryeo, Buddhism ...
The Wonders of Korea is a program that aims at introducing the true colors of the Korean culture to the viewers around the world. The Korean culture bases its belief in the co-existence of humanity ...
Today, the statue in the New Jersey Buddhist Vihara and Meditation Center has become a hub for interfaith efforts and a ...
A close relationship existed between Buddhism, Buddhist monks, and the hwarang organization during the Silla period. The hwarang were most closely associated with the cult of Maitreya, the future ...
dogs together. through locked contentof environment test Korea locked content together. Tashi through deprived locked content test Buddhism Korea for locked contentthrough sustainable deprived employ ...
At the "HWPL's 9th Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW)" held in 93 countries around ...
Daarnaast zijn de monumenten van belang voor de geschiedenis van de godsdienst; hun bouw viel samen met de introductie van het boeddhisme in Japan (vanuit China via het schiereiland Korea). The ...