A bird beak is the most important resource it has ... cone-shaped bills are some of the strongest around. Look closely at a black skimmer and you may notice it seems to have an underbite.
Among birds with white heads, the Ross’s gull lives in ... In these cases, they will also have a black and red ring around their beak. The black-tailed gull lives on the shores of East Asia.
It’s a sunny February afternoon in 1982 at camp. The hot water hisses in the tea kettle on the woodstove. Outside it is 15 ...
In 2018 we’ll explore the wonder of birds ... white plumage; its striking color derives from organic pigments called carotenoids in its diet of mollusks, crustaceans, and algae. Its bizarre beak ...
American white pelican has a large, heavy beak that's yellow-orange in color. Besides catching fish, pelicans use their bills to get rid of excess salt ...