Direct chemical synthesis has been adapted to make oligonucleotides of remarkable length, including an 800 nucleotide green fluorescent protein gene and a 1728 nucleotide bacteriophage DNA polymerase ...
Study reveals omega-3 supplements can slow biological aging by 4 months. Combined with vitamin D and exercise, effects were ...
The major in biological sciences itself spans organisms from bacteria through plants and animals, levels of organization from molecules and cells through ecosystems, and modern research methods in ...
They learn about the scientific method and how to analyze data, and they develop written and oral communication skills. Students also focus on the relationship between biology and society.
Biology is a visually grounded scientific discipline—from the way data is collected and analyzed to the manner in which the results are communicated to others. Visualization methods have ...
Researchers at the University of Toronto have invented a new method that uses DNA sequencing to measure metabolites. This ...
Recent methods for calculating biological aging, such as the Klemera-Doubal Method (KDM) and PhenoAge, leverage biomarkers to provide a more detailed understanding of aging. Previous studies have ...
Well-designed marine parks can conserve marine life and their habitats, allow fish populations to recover, educate the public ...