If you have thick, darkened patches of skin on your neck, armpits, or groin that feel soft and smooth, you might have a condition called acanthosis nigricans. “Patients often come in because they ...
Rachel and Joshua Piland of Lansing are charged with murder and child abuse in the death of their newborn daughter Abigail, ...
High bilirubin levels result in jaundice — a condition that causes a distinct yellow cast to the skin, the whites of eyes, and the underside of the tongue. When you have liver disease ...
The analysers either detect bilirubin levels in blood or serum samples or record skin reflectance measurements, which virtually eliminates the costs, trauma, and time associated with blood draws.
Nanotechnology enables rapid jaundice detection in newborns using smartphones, offering a quick and non-invasive solution.
The app analyses skin colour to predict bilirubin levels in multi-ethnic Asian newborns. Singapore General Hospital, in collaboration with SingHealth Polyclinics and national HealthTech agency ...
Mengenal lebih dalam apa itu Ikterus neonatorum atau penyakit bayi kuning. Mulai dari gejala, penyebab, faktor risiko, hingga penanganannya.