When considering how to prune azaleas, take into account that such pruning isn’t actually a necessity unless your bushes have outgrown their allotted space. You can prevent that by planting azaleas ...
However, if you want more plants in your borders, have you considered propagation? This is a fun and free way to grow your plant collection and summer is a good time to take azalea cuttings.
For well over half a century, the man with monikers such as "Mr. Azalea" was nearly synonymous with the festival he helped ...
RALEIGH, N.C.— The WRAL Azalea Gardens have been open since the 1950s, when a thousand colorful azalea bushes were planted outside the WRAL studio. In the decades since then, WRAL's gardens have ...
The label will read “azalea and other acid loving plants” and the analysis should be 12-4-8 or 15-5-15. The label will have more pertinent information which you should be sure to follow.