The couple filed the lawsuit in October 2021, claiming that MUSC and its medical staff were negligent in treating her after a Lefort 1 Osteotomy and Bilateral Sagittal Split Osteotomy on June 16, 2020 ...
COLUMBIA, S.C. (WIS) -Sponsored by MUSC Health. Are you living to eat, or are you eating to live? March is National Nutrition Month and we check in with a MUSC Health Registered Dietitian who ...
KIAWAH ISLAND — Pam Harrington has been in real estate on Kiawah and Seabrook islands for the last 46 years, so she has seen a lot of change. But on March 10 she looked out of a tent to a muddy ...
CHARLESTON, S.C. (WCIV) — MUSC received updates Monday on both their Sickle Cell program and their James B. Edwards College of Dental Medicine. According to a release, MUSC partnered with the ...
Catherine Durham is the Dean for the College of Nursing and she says it’s critically important for MUSC to help address the nursing shortage. “We’ve had significant support across the Regional Health ...
As COO of the MUSC Health-Charleston (S.C.) division, Rick Hundorfean brings a solid history of rehabilitation and acute care leadership to his new position. Prior to this role, Mr. Hundorfean ...
MUSC Health is developing a Primary Care Mobile Health pilot to serve Wagener and surrounding communities. This initiative follows the closure of Wagener’s only medical center, leaving an ...